Alcohol abuse

The goal of Antabuse is to simulate alcohol intolerance in addicts by acting as an acid aldehyde inhibitor. Usually, alcohol in the body is metabolized to acetic acid by enzyme called acid aldehyde dehydrogenase. A large database...

Binge Drinking: What it is, the Effects, and How to Stop

If you choose to try it on your own and at any point feel you need more help, then seek support (see Help Links). I know I need to make these changes stick this time. I know I need to stop having drinking be one of my personality traits. Does Soy Sauce Have...

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System? Blood & Urine

Alcohol addiction therapy and treatment is the best way to address AUD. A urine test measures the amount of alcohol in a person’s urine and typically has a shorter detection window than other types of testing. As mentioned, urine tests can detect alcohol up to 3...